Spot Color reproduction sales kit by Alwan
alwan toolbox control
strips and charts
Alwan ToolBox offers you the ability to measure standard as well as proprietary control strips and charts.
Control strips are usually used for conformance assessment – FOGRA and IDEAlliance control strips – however some of them can be used for device calibration.
Charts are usually used for device profiling – ECI, IT8 and Hydra® charts – however some of them can be used for device calibration or evaluation such as IDEAlliance P2P and TC 1617.

The need for spot color reproduction without spot ink is increasing, particularly for digital printing.
However, printers and customers are often uncertain and unable to accurately predict the printed result.
The consequences are that many jobs that can be printed digital are still printed offset with spot inks, and that those printed digital often require several iterations and “curve tweaking” before getting an acceptable match.
In both cases, customer and printer are both losing money: customer by paying more, and printer by making less.
Alwan Color Expertise’s spot color reproduction sales kit has been designed to allow printer predict and promote the spot color reproduction capabilities of any of his print devices.

How to get a spot color reproduction sales kit?
To obtain one free spot color reproduction booklet and poster in PDF format, printer should:
Have a valid licence of Alwan ColorHub and Hydra Profiling®;
Send their request along with their print device's Hydra ICC spectral profile for a chosen paper to;
Specify the corresponding spot color library they wish to reproduce;
Specify the booklet and poster sizes they wish to receive in PDF format as they depend on available paper sizes.
Additional fully customizable booklets and posters for other color libraries, papers, print devices, file dimensions and customer logo can also be purchased from
Spot color reproduction sales kit benefits
Printer will be able to use the spot color reproduction booklet and poster PDF files to:
Print them on their chosen print device and paper. All spot colors will be simulated as accurately as possible with a ∆E range indicated for each one of them;
Accurately predict the reproduction of each spot color, no tweaking, no time lost on trying to get the right color: make more money;
Promote their device's spot color reproduction accuracy and move more jobs from spot to spotless printing: make more business.

Alwan ColorHub
Alwan ToolBox
Hydra® Profiling