about control strips and charts

alwan toolbox control
strips and charts

Alwan ToolBox offers you the ability to measure standard as well as proprietary control strips and charts.

Control strips are usually used for conformance assessment – FOGRA and IDEAlliance control strips – however some of them can be used for device calibration.

Charts are usually used for device profiling – ECI, IT8 and Hydra® charts – however some of them can be used for device calibration or evaluation such as IDEAlliance P2P and TC 1617.

which control strip to use for print and proof assessment?

FOGRA Media Wedge CMYK v3.0 (three lines)

This control strip can be used to assess print (ISO 12647-2) as well as proof (ISO 12647-7) conformance. (FOGRA Media Wedge can be purchased from fogra.org)

IDEAlliance ISO 12647-7 Control Wedge 2013

This control strip can be used to assess print (G7® Grayscale or G7® Targeted) as well as proof (ISO 12647-7) conformance. (IDEAlliance Control Wedge can be downloaded from idealliance.org)

Alwan Color Expertise control strips:

Several Alwan Color Expertise control strips are available for ISO 12647-2 and G7® calibration and conformance assessment. (Alwan control strips package can be downloaded here)

print and proof conformance assessment steps

AlwanToolBox allows you to virtually use any control strip (or chart) to assess the conformity of a print or a proof.

To be able to measure a control strip you need to:

  • Print control strip image file:

    You need to get and print the image file – .tiff or .pdf – of the control strip in order to measure it.

  • Measure control strip print-out:

    Alwan ToolBox contains the definition file of the displayed control strip names, this means that you can measure these printed control strips as soon as you print them.

Should you need to measure a control strip which is not included in the Alwan ToolBox list, you can do that by using the "Import Definition File" button. These files are usually delivered with the control strip.